The only BlackBerry community you will want to be in Singapore. Singapore BlackBerry users, unite!

HWZBB - The only BlackBerry community you will want to be in Singapore. Singapore BlackBerry users, unite!

Review: Seidio Innocell Extended Battery For the BlackBerry 9900

With the launch of the BlackBerry 9900 RIM took a step back in battery life performance in the Bold series. The battery on the 9700/9780 was exceptional, though it was not 4G, the battery and device were thicker, but with the 9900 RIM slimmed down the device along with the battery. That is where Seidio is picking up the slack with the Innocell Extended battery. Continue reading

BlackBerry OS 7 devices with the latest OS7.1 leaks

The OS fun just got interesting. ALKi4@crackberry has leaked the latest OS 7.1 for the OS7 devices. You can now pick up the latest OS 7.1 (9360, 9370, 9380, 9790, 9810, 9860, 9900, 9930) below:

BlackBerry 9360 (.258)
BlackBerry 9370 (.258)
BlackBerry 9380 (.258)
BlackBerry 9790 (.247)
BlackBerry 9810 (.258)
BlackBerry 9860 (.267)
BlackBerry 9900 (.267)
BlackBerry 9930 (.267)

Be sure to do a device backup AND/or READ THE FAQ before proceeding!

Review: Easy Lock – Slide up to unlock your phone

I always find it hard to keep my phone well locked in my pocket even though the BlackBerry lock button are pretty handy in such instances but may not always be the best method as these are physical buttons that are still vulnerable to such incidents. There are other password solutions like entering a password or the pattern lock. Team Bulbera came up with this new unique app to let us slide upwards  rather than to remember a password or the usual slide to the side to unlock our phone, which could also help increase security a little more. Continue reading

Gosh! ICE Crystal Case for Blackberry Bold Touch 9900/9930 Review

Gosh! is usually known for their range of iphone 4 and 4s accessories. Hardly Gosh! comes out with Blackberry range of cases. Anyway, today I bought this case for Blackberry Bold 9900/9930, it is called ICE Crystal Case from Gosh!. Amazingly, Gosh! has never put this into its website, and you can’t even find any unboxing video on the net.

So here we are with it! Continue reading