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Taab for BlackBerry

With the recent collaboration to use NFC for Android devices, I know some of us are feeling the sadness that we have been left behind, despite us pushing this technology so hard. Well, now a Canadian group has came up with Taab during the MintChip challenge by the Royal Canadian Mint to fill up this gap. Not exactly a new idea, but it does certainly bring a tinge of freshness and hope back to us!

With Taab, you can split the bill with friends and share items with just a tap using an NFC-enabled smartphone. The app is already available for BlackBerry 7! Now, more recently, they are super excited about the Dev Alpha’s capabilities and are developing it for BlackBerry 10.

The Royal Canadian Mint started up the MintChip Challenge a while back and had invited developers to re-think, share ideas or concepts on how a digital currency can be used. Developers were encouraged to create applications that showcase digital payment applications using MintChip, which is currently in development.

Winners will receive approximately Ca$50,000 in gold from the Mint as well as promotional exposure.

The video you see above comes from the guys over at taab, who as you can tell, created their app using the BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha as well as providing offerings for Android. If you interested in reading why the Dev Alpha was chosen or their thoughts on QNX and BlackBerry 10, they’ve got a great post written up explaining it all.

So, let’s support their BlackBerry 10 development of Taab by voting for them in the MintChip challenge hosted by the Royal Canadian Mint!

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