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BlackBerry – Mobile Computing

Last week’s BlackBerry Jam Asia was indeed pretty much concentrated around Mobile computing. Peer to peer connection, interaction with the wild was all that they haven been talking about. This, perhaps, is also further highlighted by the fact that USB Host will be available for the BlackBerry Z30.

This, allows one to connect USB OTG devices such as thumb drives or even LAN cables to allow the BlackBerry devices to work as a mobile computing beast.

Take the above for instance. Now, if the application (game) allows, we can have a controller hooked on to the device, whilst being connected to the TV via the HDMI cable.

Apart from that, using on the Bluetooth Low Energy Profile, they also showed off their new health concept, which whilst is not anything new, it is something different. It gives the BlackBerry the ability to start connecting to peripherals such as the heart beat monitor and etc, and hence, giving sports enthusiast and health experts alike a reason to get BlackBerry.

In fact, it even allows you to share the information over WIFI or cellular data to another person, whom can again, be authenticated by BBID.

Finally, the last concept shown was the mirroring of the BlackBerry application/screen onto a Windows PC, in a feature they likened as ‘Projection’. This allowed them to use BBM and applications on the desktop, as long as the device is connected to the PC. Pretty cool selling point if it actually were to be realized RIGHT NOW, before others were to copy the idea.

Otherwise, concepts shown was how lights and fans could be turned on remotely, and even combined to play a game. Sure, I don’t think this are new concepts or ideas, but seeing it come to live, or a renewed focus in this field is pretty new and exciting.

Category: News!

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