The only BlackBerry community you will want to be in Singapore. Singapore BlackBerry users, unite!

HWZBB - The only BlackBerry community you will want to be in Singapore. Singapore BlackBerry users, unite!

BlackBerry United: A BlackBerryElite Member needs your help!

BlackBerry United: Morten Lindstrom Needs Help!You might not know the name Morten Lindstrom but if you look carefully through a lot of BlackBerry webinars, developer documentation and various other parts of BlackBerry related content, you’re sure to find his name. Morten is part of the BlackBerry community, especially the developer community being a BlackBerry Elite member. He gives up a lot of his time to help others but this time around Morten needs some help from #TeamBlackBerry. Continue reading

How Much Do Reviews Matter?

Image Credits: kpaonline

Following the definition of the different shoppers, let’s take a look at one of the biggest reason a user might get an application. Reviews. Having a product, or application reviewed is highly important as it allows the users to have a insight or an idea of exactly how it works or what it does. It allows users to make an informed decision of your offerings over that of the competition. Continue reading