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HUB++ Updated To v3.0.7!

The team behind HUB++, devcellent, just let us know that the application has been updated to version The update brings pretty much loads of features to this application already. The most important feature that we find here is that there is now a battery indicator built into the application!

In addition, you now have to option to edit filters as well as custom LED for phone and BBM calls and notifications (at account level).

Now, they also figured out how to allow separate alerts for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Work Emails 

For BBM and phone calls, you now also get per contact LED alerts, as well as vibrate on BBM calls/Phone calls upon connection and disconnection, which is something I’m so used to on my legacy BlackBerry devices.

Finally, the extra feature that this update adds is something z10 users won’t get -> support for BlackBery Q10 devices.

Check out HUB++ in BlackBerry World now if you have not!

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