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HWZBB - The only BlackBerry community you will want to be in Singapore. Singapore BlackBerry users, unite!

BlackBerry JamHack 2012

BlackBerry JamHack was the first simultaneous Asia-Pacific-wide BlackBerry hackathon. With 40 hours of non-stop coding, from idea to creation and an endless supply of food, drinks, our participants worked through day and night to come up with their application. The first wave started on the night of 12 October in Bangalore, Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Manila, Singapore.

Fed with lots of food, redbull, snacks, our participants worked hard on their codes, presenting their ideas to everyone.

The teams here with their fancy swaggy names!

The BlackBerry Love!

The guys over in Malaysia definitely had the best Ice-Breaker:

Now, over at the pitch, participants had fun themselves too!

Panel of judges

This are the winners, prizes included BlackBerry PlayBook, BlackBerry PlayBook mini Bluetooth keyboard, BlackBerry NFC music gateway and a white BlackBerry Bold 9790!

The eventual winner was Tiam Yang, for his application Drop Zone.

BlackBerry JamHack 2012 participants

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