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BlackBerry OS7 feature – device transfer!

Its been sometime Since BlackBerry OS 7 was released. Many users have been switching between OS7 devices and i thought this would be quite an interesting feature.

In OS 7, RIM has included this new feature called device transfer which allows you to back up your data as you would have via the Desktop Manager, only difference, you dont need the desktop manager!

Firstly, open the setup for the phone, select device switch.

Select where to save data

Now, select the first option – save data to the memory card

Save emails?

Now, this cool feature lets you decide to keep your emails or to save your emails (to be copied to the new device) or not.

For security..

For security purposes of course, we need enter in a password.

and it starts!

it will save more or less most of your data with this.

And its done!! really snappy on the 1.2Ghz

Once its done, as we see above we move on to the new device you want to use.

At the setup..

The same procedure, going to setup with the same memory card now inside your new device, open up device switch.
Select the transfer data this time.

scroll down

click continue

Then we will just follow on screen instructions and let it run..

enter the password from earlier

Now, remember the password they asked for just now? Key it in here.

here we go!

Once its done, it will prompt you and.. enjoy your new device!

backing up

Backing up

Backing up...

backing up...


Yea..BBM included

Via the FAQ

Category: Our Tips

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