After we took a look at all the microSD’s from the 64GB, the next consumer category that is up and rising is the 128GB category. Right now, it is limited to mainly this 3 brands: Lexar, SanDisk and Samsung. SanDisk was the pioneer in this category, being the first to release their line of 128GB microSD card offering (and more recently, 200GB). Released under the Ultra series, which is their lower end of the microSD offering for microSDXC cards, the card itself costs over $100 and is more than 3x the cost of a 64GB SandDisk Ultra microSD card on street value, how worthwhile is this card in terms of performance?
Unlike the other ultra series cards which sports a red-grey background, for this card, SanDisk opted for a new colour scheme – Red on a pure black background. The card too, comes with a standard SD adapter and like the new cards we have seen, this has a microfiber tape covering the back to prevent the card from falling out easily and perhaps give it some electrostatic protection as well.
As we can see, the front of the card has, written in red font, the brand, series, capacity as well as ratings.
On the reverse, like the newer cards we have seen, has a green circuit board design and a black box with the serial number and manufacturing location, which in this case, is China.
The card has been rated to have up to 48MB/s, and not forgetting class 10 (minimum of 10MB/s of read/write) and of course UHS-I (for a minimum performance of 10MB/s for read/write). So how does this card really stack up? Will it live up to the extreme (plus) performance? Let us find out now!
Benchmark Test
Our first test here is the h2testw:
Next, we will run the CrystalDiskMark in various capacities. The first capacity we run it on was 4000MB or 4GB. The result can be seen below:
And when compiled into graphs:
The read speed is pretty close to its claim and its predecessor (64GB), but the write speed however, is without doubt, slow. It is the slowest amongst the 3 x 128GB microSD cards and thus, nothing spectacular either with the standard 10 year warranty. If you are in dire need for memory space just like me, this card could be considered although there are better alternatives. However, if your budget is a little constrained, this would be a better replacement over that of Lexar for the price or Samsung for the ease of warranty.
Note: Model reviewed here is SDSDQUAN-128G-G4A