Opera has once again updated their popular Opera Mini browser for BlackBerry this time bringing it to Opera Mini 7. This new version offers a one page summary of all the news from your Facebook and Twitter feeds called Smart Page. I am not sure why you would still use Opera Mini if you have a BlackBerry OS 6+ device but hey its nice to have options right?
The Smart Page function was initially announced for Opera Mini Next, but now the update has been added to Mini 7 as well. The social media function is not available for smartphone versions of Opera Mini Next which makes sense since smartphone users won’t access social media sites via Opera but directly through the available apps. Also, Speed dial feature will now be available for all feature phones. Speed dial lets users add their most visited web pages to the opening page of the browser so that they simply click on that page instead of having to retype the url.
The Opera browser doesn’t quite score as high as the BlackBerry native browser, especially those found in OS 6+ in processing and crunching of data, but it does offer superior compression, which can be good for those with limited data plans.
Well, the new Opera Mini, as you can see, has a new start page as well as aiming to give you an instant access to your favourite pages. Well, how will it perform? Well, we will cover this in a later article 🙂
To download or to update your Opera Mini, simply point your device to Opera Mini Website