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Reviewed: Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB)

Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB) Front

After Kingston, here we have a Taiwanese brand, Transcend. Transcend Information is another veteran in the field, and by no means are they new in this field. As such, we will be looking at their mid-range Transcend Premium UHS-I 300x microSD card today.

Transcend is not as popular or known as SanDisk or Kingston (or even recently, Samsung), however, they are no doubt still a big player, and have been around for over 20 years already.

Today we have the Premium UHS-I 300x microSD card which is their mid-range card offering. In retail packing, the card comes with a microSD-to-SD adapter which is pretty common these days. The card is also rated to be up to 45MB/s.

The Transcend card has a slightly differentiated design. On the front, it comes with 2 color tier, the top being red, bottom is black. The red portion has white text that has the brand and series, whilst the bottom shows the capacity and ratings.

Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB) Back

On the reverse of the card, it has the serial number, batch number as well as the manufacturing origin. Like Kingston, this card is made in Taiwan.

As its name suggests, it is UHS-I and class 10 rated which tells us we can expect a minimum performance of 10MB/s for read and write speed. So, let’s test it out:

H2TestW for the Transcend Premium UHS-I 300x card

For the Transcend card, the H2testW test write fluctuates between 17.9 MByte/s to 18.1 MByte/s, whereas the read speed fluctuated between 65MBytes to 70.9Mbyte/s.

Next, we will run the CrystalDiskMark in various capacities. The first capacity we run it on was 4000MB or 4GB. The result can be seen below:
CrystalDiskMark Test, 1 x 4000mb, for Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB)

The next test, we ran the smallest test – 50MB:
CrystalDiskMark Test, 1 x 50mb, for Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB)

And finally, we run the middle sized test, taking the average of 5 attempts:
CrystalDiskMark Test, 5 x 1000mb, for Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB)

When compiled into a graph:
Benchmark graph for Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB)
Random read graph for Transcend Premium UHS-I [300x] (64GB)

Overall, as we can see, the write speed had a sharp start, after which, it had a sudden short spike in write speed. After that, it bellowed down to a pretty consistent speed. In the read portion, it seems pretty similar, with a speed spike at the start and at the end, but that said, it has been mostly above the 15mb/s and 70mb/s mark for write and read respectively. Looking onto the random read graph, there has also been a few random ‘spots’ of the read which shows slight inconsistency within the card. Overall, the speed are:

READ – 78111 kb/s
WRITE – 18200 kb/s

All in all, the card is a pretty well-rounded card as you can see, although, there might be slight concerns with the random or rather, usage with mobile devices. On the positive end, the card out performed its rated specification of 45 MB/s by a huge margin (in the read) which is commendable. With a availability price of $49, however, we are not convinced that this is the best for value card available, just yet.

Rating: ★★★★★★½☆☆☆ 

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