The new BlackBerry Z30 is the latest and largest full touch-screen device that BlackBerry has produced to date. Of course there are differences in specifications and hence, user experience as well as developers developing applications for the devices. Even though applications built for Z10 will work on Z30, if you want everything to work and look at its best, minor tweakings will be required. The BlackBerry DevBlog has kindly provided everyone with a list of comparison between the 3 devices.
First of all, the screen size and aspect ratio is different. The BlackBerry Z30, sporting a larger screen with a higher resolution as compared to the rest.
The BlackBerry Z30 comes with a more powerful processor than the BlackBerry Z10 or BlackBerry Q10, giving the device better graphics capabilities.
The other feature sets are the same, with the exception of Q10 having a qwerty keyboard and the Z’s having a full touch screen.
To find out more, head over to the DevBlog!