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Getting Android Applications That Don’t Work To Work On BlackBerry 10

Via Playbookdaily.com

Side-loading is something unique to the BlackBery 10. It gave users the ability to load applications, especially Android applications (for non-developers), onto their devices. However, that said, a lot of times, we would have come across problems when converting Android apps to the BlackBerry 10, such as those apps using Google Maps, and the apps just crashes when it opens. Whilst this solution might make the application even more unstable and crash, it can also make it more stable and finally run on the device. Note, however, that this is only for testing purposes to show a proof of concept of the app running on the BlackBerry 10 device.

Now, remember that this is only to be used to showcase prototypes for application to proof that they can run, and expectations should not be placed too highly. Secondly, this process can be illegal if you are going to be modifying someone’s intellectual property, assets and calling it your own (signing).

  1. Set up your Android + BlackBerry development environment. [Download/Install Android SDK, Request/Obtain a debug token, full instruction set)
  2. Download the apk from the Google Play store.
    1. You will need Chrome Browser and an Android device for this.
    2. Go to https://lekensteyn.nl/apk-downloader/ and follow the instructions.
    3. Go to Google Play store in Chrome and download the apk file.
  3. Use apk2barVerifier and you find out several problems with the AndroidManifest.xml
  4. Download apktool and unzip
  5. Decode your apk file
    1. /apktool decode com.abc.mobile.apk myappdirectory
    2. Now you have the ENTIRE apk decoded at your fingertips! You can now modify your AndroidManifest.xml
  6. Rebuild back the APK
    1. ./apktool b myappdirectory com.abc.mobile-new.apk
  7. Sign your NEW apk file
    1. If you don’t have an android signing key, get your signing key from here.
    2. jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore com.abc.mobile-new.apk xmad
    3. Now you have a new APK file freshly off the oven. Freshly toasted Gingerbread eh?
  8. Just do the usual apk2bar procedures, and you should now be able to run the app ignoring the com.google.android.maps library!

That’s it! Have fun with your android applications now!

Via Justinlee

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