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HWZBB - The only BlackBerry community you will want to be in Singapore. Singapore BlackBerry users, unite!

Reporting live: From Tekong

8830 front
Just went into Tekong on Friday, which is why I had to give up the public BBM. Sporting just a BlackBerry 8830 and four original batteries, hopefully this will help me to last through the confinement period! So, who else is in camp?

Doing pretty fine here in Tekong, now, lets have a thought, should we have a BlackBerry NS guide? 😀
BlackBerry 8830

Battery life on the 8830 is super good so far (its a 2G device after all…) BUT, it is super laggy! 🙁

Should have brought out a Bold for tekong. Guess I wasn’t Bold enough. BeBold guys!

  • abuddlah says:

    Maddy! Armyboi already! How is it there? No charger uh? When then can use a charger?

    March 11, 2012 at 12:49 am
  • Bernard says:

    Good to know that everything is fine. Stay safe and enjoy your NS. 🙂

    March 11, 2012 at 8:46 pm
  • purp says:

    can bring in bold 9900 non cam what . tekong

    March 11, 2012 at 9:35 pm

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