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HWZBB - The only BlackBerry community you will want to be in Singapore. Singapore BlackBerry users, unite!

BlackBerry Porsche 9981 Theme for 9900/9930 and 9850/9860

The Porsche BlackBerry 9900 will be officially launched in February in 2011 in the US and for Singapore, there is no released date yet. For holders of 9900, we have been waiting for sometime for new themes to spice up our phone, and until recently, we did get some premium themes for our BlackBerry 9900. Now, for the 9860 users, however, our selection was even more restricted.

Today, we bring to you FREE theme for both the BlackBerry 9900/9930 series as well as the BlackBerry 9850/9860 series.

This theme is the BlackBerry Porsche theme, together with the official BlackBerry P’9981 icons.

For BlackBerry 9850/9860
For BlackBerry 9900/9930

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